Dorrin K Mace, Horologost

Dorrin K Mace, Horologost
The Clock Man in a pensive moment

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Fascination of Tower Clocks

There is a deep fascination with the clocks that inhabit the steeples of churches, the domes of county seats, on the corner of the local bank or any other time piece that makes its home on any number of building types throughout the world.  When one ascends the stairs to the clock room of one of the old steeple clocks and hears the working of a machine constructed generations ago and carefully tended to throughout the decades, you cannot help but think about those involved with the processes you are experiencing. 
    As listening to a full orchestra, one can pick up on different melodies played as the parts respond and mesh with one another, hearing a harmony of a finely cared for machine, or the discord of a machine struggling to continue, one can feel it faltering, crying out for help to end the problems it is experiencing.
    It is a veneration, or a fascination that the machine is ticking away your future as well as your present that affects many.  The worker striving to meet a deadline, a traveler awaiting the arrival or departure for a trip, or a single soul waiting for companionship.  It is the passage of time that seems to heal all wounds.  It is the striking of the hour that brings us back to the present and out of our dream state of the future or the past and what could have been, but was lost.
    In America these great clocks are being lost and few are replacing the ones that were removed for the sake of modernization.  Pine Knoll is involved with several professional organizations.  One such group called the NAWCC  is seeking to locate all of the great clocks currently working or that may be in some storage area awaiting rebirth.  Once all information is collected an online data base will be available that will detail these clocks and their relevant history and importance.  If any of my readers know of a great clock anywhere in the united states, please email me at  and I will be sure to provide the information to the NAWCC.

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