Dorrin K Mace, Horologost

Dorrin K Mace, Horologost
The Clock Man in a pensive moment

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Attleboro Clock Company a.k.a. The best of Clock Label Engineering

The Attleboro Clock Company was identified on the clock dials as being located in Attleboro Massachusetts. However the one thing we know about the Attleboro Clock Co. was that it was never located in Attleboro, Massachusetts.
The “production source” of all clocks marked with “Attleboro Clock Co., Attleboro, Mass” was other clock manufacturers of the period. As of January 1, 2000, clocks produced by the Waterbury, Ansonia, E. Ingraham and Sessions have been found with “Attleboro Clock Co.” clocks. The two most common Attleboro Clock Co. clocks are the “kitchen” style clocks were produced by Waterbury, E. Ingraham and Ansonia, with the Waterbury oak case being the most common. The “black mantle” style clocks were produced by E. Ingraham and Sessions.
The Attleboro Clock Company was "in production" for a period of time between 1890 and 1915. This date range is an estimate determined by the style of clocks that have been found with "Attleboro Clock Co., Attleboro, Mass on the dial, several repair/purchase dates written on clock cases, and the patent dates stamped on some of the movements.  The first clocks sold with the Attleboro Clock Co. name on the dial were walnut and oak kitchen style clocks made by the Waterbury Clock Company. These clocks are thought to be the earliest Attleboro clocks because the labels, when found intact, do not include a model name.  The style of these Waterbury made walnut kitchen style clocks are similar to those Waterbury was selling in 1890 to 1905.  Later kitchen style Attleboro clocks manufactured by the Waterbury Clock Company have been found with oak and walnut cases with Attleboro model names on the labels. All kitchen clocks manufactured by the Ansonia clock company have had oak cases and had model names on the labels when they were intact. Since there were so many different models of kitchen clocks produced during that period, it is difficult to use model design to determine an exact manufacturing date. To the best of my knowledge all Waterbury and Ansonia Attleboro kitchen clocks have pins holding the hands on. Using pins rather a than nut to hold the hands on could be an indication that the clocks were made earlier than other kitchen clocks nut, or it just could be an indication of an effort to minimize cost. The Attleboro kitchen clock labels provide a very little information about manufacture date because of the lack of a publisher's mark.
As an example, for Seth Thomas clocks one had only to look on the label to find the date of manufacture as it was the publisher's mark on the label. The Attleboro clock labels have no information as to the label publisher. It is also interesting that the model name was always changed when the clock was modified for sale under the Attleboro Clock Co. name. For example a Ansonia "Belmont" model will have a label identifying it as an Attleboro "Royal" model. There are a few black mantle clocks with the Attleboro Clock Co. marking on the dial; these clocks were produced by E. Ingraham and Sessions. Black mantle clocks were produced starting about 1905 and Sessions began manufacturing clocks under the Sessions name in 1903.

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